Utstillerliste nordental 2015 til publisering tannhjul


Utstiller alfabetisk Standnr Arbeid støy Munn- og andre hygiene prod. IKT Units For-bruk Inn-redn ing Små-utstyr Impl antat Tannt eknikk RTG, scann ing Praksis admini strasjon HMS Ergo nomi Organi sasjon LAG Tann helse tjene ste
3M Espe Norge AS B03-10 x x
Acerys sp z o.o. B01-24 x
Actavis Norway AS B04-25 x
Acteon Group B04-42 x
Alfa Dental Norge AS B01-20 x x x
Arken Software DA B04-40 x
Art in Dent AS B02-11 x
Artinorway AS B01-28 x
ATEA AS A1-07 x
Berg Dental B04-09 x
Best Dental B04-26 x x
Bien Air Dental SA B04-35 x
Bivirkningsgruppen A1-09 x
Carl Zeiss AS B02-09 x
Cavident AS B04-10 x x x
Centrix Inc. B04-19 x
Cloetta Norge AS B04-07 x
Colgate-Palmolive A/S B02-10 x
Colosseumklinikken AS B01-37 x x
Coltène Whaledent AG B02-22 x x
Convenience A/S B02-24 x
Dandent Inredningar B03-18 x
Danske Bank/Storebrand Liv A1-05 x
Den norske tannlegeforening A1-01 x
Dental Ceramics AS B04-18 x
Dental Digital Norge AS B01-11 x x x
Dental Sør AS B01-10 x x x x
Dental-Direct AS B02-12 x x
Dentalforum AS B01-01 x
Dentalhuset B02-19 x
DentalSpar AS B04-20 x x x
Dentalvarehuset AS B03-09 x
Dentatec Dental AS B02-09 x x x
Den-Tech AS B04-41 x x
Dentinor Dental B02-25 x
Dentrade AS B03-21 x
Dentsply DeTrey B01-14 x x
Dentsply IH AS B02-23 x
Digitalbyrået A2N AS B04-48 x
Dürr Dental AG B02-29 x
EARFoon Norge B04-08 x
Edenta AG B04-17 x
Ekulf AB Nuf B04-15 x x
Ergo Optikk AS B01-18 x x
GC Nordic AB B04-02 x
Health Workers AS B03-19 x
HELFO A1-14 x
HelseDent AS B01-13 x x
Heraeus Kulzer Nordic AB B01-26 x x
Jacobsen Dental AS B01-08 x x x x x
Johnson & Johnson
Consumer Nordic
B03-24 x
Kunstverket AS A1-18 x
Kwintet Norge B04-34 x
Lic Scadenta AS B01-02 x x x x
Lilleborg AS B03-23 x x
MaxFac Dental AS B03-07 x
Medic IT AS B04-04 x
Nobel Biocare Norge AS B02-08 x
Nogusra AS B04-32 x
Norsk Medikal AS B04-44 x
Norsk Orthoform Depot AS B02-06 x x x x x
Norsk Orthoform Depot AS B03-06 x x x x x
Norsk Tannpleierforening B01-35 x
Norsk Tannvern A1-08 x
Odin Kapital AS B01-29 x
Opus Systemer AS B02-16 x
Opus Systemer AS B02-17 x
Oral B. Procter & Gamble B02-14 x
Oslo Dental AS B01-25 x
Pagro B04-27 x
Pharmex AS B04-06 x
Plandent AS B02-29 x x x x x x
Pluss-Økonomi AS B04-33 x
Praxis klær AS B04-11 x
Pro-Dent Norge AS B01-09 x
Proteket AS B01-16 x
Rogaland Tannlegeforening B01-12 x
Saga Consult AS B04-16 x
SagaGruppen B04-16 x
Scanex Medical AS B03-28 x
Shenzhen ADL Dental Lab A1-10 x
Straumann AS B03-08 x
Sunstar GUM B03-22 x
B04-14 x
Kompetansesenter Sør IKS
A1-11 x
Tannlab AS B01-15 x
Tannlege Service
Agenturer AS
B04-13 x x
Technomedics Norge AS B02-02 x x
Telenor Norge AS B04-36 x
Tonne Dental AS B01-07 x x x x x x
Unident AS B01-12 x x x
VOCO GmbH B04-39 x
W&H Nordic AB B01-30 x
Wrigley B04-37 x
Xo Care A/S B03-12 x x
Zirkonzahn GmbH/Srl B04-46 x
Øvrebø Rehabilitering AS B01-22 x

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