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“Digital Trails”

Syd Tyrol , Italia

Great things happen when men and the Nature meet.The powerful energy of our inspiring natural environment goes hand in hand with our core values of innovation, discipline, trust and responsibility and influences, day by day, our creativity and technique.Gain an insight into our technical knowhow and discover the origins of our inspiration: take part in […]

“Behandlingsplanlegging” – NTFs utenlandskurs 2016, Italia

Pallazzo di Varignana Via Ca' Masino 611 A 40024 Varignana (BO), Bologna, Italia

Utenlandskurset 2016 arrangeres i Bologna, Italia "Behandlingsplanlegging" Muligheter og umuligheter, hva er nødvendig og forsvarlig? Hverdagsodontologi for allmenntannlegen Kursgivere: Kjetil Reppen, universitetslektor, UiO Hans Jacob Rønold, førsteamanuensis, UiO Thor Egil Westberg, universitetslektor, UiO Kursbeskrivelse Kursgiverne vil vise en lang rekke kasus med ulike problemstillinger som vil bli diskutert med deltagerne. Poenget er ikke å vise […]

The Greater New York Dental Meeting 2016

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 655 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, New York, Velg et land:

Connect with the largest amount of dental professionals from the United States and around the World at the Greater New York Dental Meeting November 25 - November 30, 2016! Don't miss the largest Dental meeting in the United States - a premier opportunity to showcase your programs, products and services to over 54,000 dental professionals including more than 19,000 Dentists. […]

Alpetur Coltene 2017

Lech Østerrike, Norge

I samarbeid med Coltene arrangerer Dentalforum og Dental Sør tur til Lech i Østerrike 18. – 22. januar 2017. Foreløpig program:Onsdag 18. Avreise og ankomst Zurich lufthavn ca. kl. 15:45, buss til Hotellet kl. 16:30Torsdag 19. kl. 08:30 – kl. 11:00 Kurs/ produktpresentasjoner om siste nytt innen CAD CAM Dentalforum/ ColteneFredag 20. kl. 08:30 – kl. […]

My Event

Radisson Bru gata 4, Oslo, Norge

Some tekst here

FDI-kongress, Madrid

FDI: The voice of dentistry:
To be the worldwide, authoritative and independent voice of the dental profession. The FDI World Dental Congress (FDI WDC) provides a scientific programme, a trade exhibition and an international forum for the review and discussion of the advancement of oral health, oral health care and all other subjects which will advance the objectives of FDI. It provides an opportunity for the strengthening of relations between the dental organizations, peoples and countries of the world.

Greater New York Dental Meeting 2017

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center New York, USA, Norge

Welcome to the Greater NY Dental Meeting 2017 The Largest Dental Meeting in the United States with over 54,000 Attendees

Airway Symposium about disordered breathing, sleep apnea and splint therapy

Sted uten navn St. Petersburg, De forenede stater

Airway Symposium about disordered breathing, sleep apnea and splint therapy on January 19-20, 2018 in St. Petersburg, Florida.  Here's a brief highlight of what you will learn to do at this course: The effects of early childhood disordered breathing on growth and development, including dental arches, occlusion, nasal passages, respiratory issues, and cognitive development Recognize the signs and symptoms of disordered […]

153rd Midwinter Meeting

McCormick Place West Chicago, USA, Norge

Informasjon finnes her<   Mark your calendars for Feb. 22 – 24, 2018, when we present the 153rd Midwinter Meeting. The theme is A Dental Triad: Pride • Passion • Professionalism. Planning is already under way to deliver an exciting program with stimulating lectures, engaging participation courses and a world class exhibition of products and services for the whole dental […]

Concepts of treatment of periodontal compromised patients & peri-implant infection

Corte Lenguin vingård Pescantina Verona, Italia

Workshop – Concepts of treatment of periodontal compromised patients & peri-implant infection Prof. Andrea Pilloni (Italia) , Prof. Vincenzo Iorio - Siciliano (Italia) 25-26 Mai, 2018. Kurset avholdes på Corte Lenguin vingård. COURSE LOCATION Villa Quaranta Park Hotel Via Ospedaletto 57, 37026 Ospedaletto Pescantina Verona, Italy www.villaquaranta.com  

4th International Expert Symposium

Sted uten navn ROMA, Italia

4th International Expert Symposium in Rome   Nineteen international dental experts to lecture in Rome 4th International Expert Symposium to be held by Ivoclar Vivadent in June 2018, digital and esthetic dentistry will be in the spotlight. For the fourth time in a row, Ivoclar Vivadent will be hosting an International Expert Symposium (IES) for […]

Holland EuroPerio 9

The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), founded in 1991, is an umbrella organisation of 29 national scientific societies devoted to promoting research, education and awareness of periodontal science and practice.

Cleaning and disinfection with Laser Activated Irrigation

Berlin Berlin

Value added cleaning and disinfection with Laser Activated Irrigation — new paths with PIPS and SWEEPS: evidence and critical analysis. Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roeland De Moor Foredraget er en del av "Roots Summit" ---> "Endodontics, som holdes i Berlin 28.juni - 1.juli 2018 Program her Invitert av   Scanex Medical Systems AS Strømsveien 62 N-2010 STRØMMEN Tel.: […]

EAO i Wien

Wien WIEN, Østerrike

Dentsply Sirona Implants inviterer også i år til gruppearrangement i forbindelse med EAO.  (European association for osseointegration)   Årets kongress tar for seg ulike trinn i benhandlingen under overskriften: «Dreams and reality in implant dentistry». Programmet fokuserer dag for dag på: Dag 1: Diagnose Dag 2: Kirurgisk behandling Dag 3: Protetikk og oppfølging Kongressen vil […]

Symposium 2018

Aarhus Aarhus, Danmark

Dansk Tandlægeforenings Symposium 2018  Den ældre patient - Odontologi i et medicinsk perspektiv Last ned program Klikk her for mer informasjon og påmelding

Rettsodontologi. Kurs i identifisering

Longyearbyen, Svalbard Longyearbyen, Svalbard

  Rettsodontologi. 4. internasjonale IOFOS kurs i identifisering, ved computerprogrammet DVI System Internasjonal ver. 5.1, og aldersvurderinger. Registrering før 15. desember. Henvendelse: Tore Solheim, solheim@odont.uio.no Se  også nettstedet Norsk Rettsodontologisk forening   Her er invitasjon og beskrivelse. Du kan laste ned også.

IDS – International Dental Show 2019

Køln, Tyskland

  12.03.19 - 16.03.19 IDS - The International Dental Show is a 5-day trade fair and the largest event in Europe for the dental industry. More than 155,000 visitors and over 2300 exhibiting companies ensured a successful last edition in 2017. IDS 2019 will take place between 12. and 16. March within the 157,000 square metres of exhibition […]

Tannlegens hverdagsvalg – kompositt eller protetikk?

Madeira Madeira, Portugal

NTFs utenlandskurs arrangeres i år i Funchal på blomsterøya Madeira. Tid: 29. mai - 1. juni Påmeldingsfrist: 1. februar 2019 Les mer på tannlegeforeningen.no / Kurs og utdanning



Frankrike Frankrike, Frankrike

Bli med til vakre La-Chaux-de-Fonds område og få en oppdatering i nye teknikker innen endodontien. I tillegg til instrumentering med XP-endo Shaper og XP-endo Finisher vil temaer som vertikal obturasjon, revisjon og bruk av ultralyd være temaer som blir belyst. En halv dag er satt av til workshop hvor alle deltagere blant annet vil ha […]

FDI-kongress 2019

San Fransisco, USA San Fransisco, De forenede stater

FDI World Dental Congress - FDI World Dental Federation Link her Welcome to ADA FDI 2019! It’s been more than 20 years since FDI World Dental Federation has met in conjunction with the ADA Annual Meeting. That all changes in 2019. Make plans now to attend the ADA FDI World Dental Congress 2019 at the […]

Greater New York Dental Meeting 2019

New York New York, De forenede stater

Meeting Dates: November 29th - December 4th 2019 Exhibit Dates: December 1st - December 4th 2019   Link

CDD Computerbased Dental Diagnostics Course Part 2

Syd Tyrol , Italia

Course part 2 05-08 of February 2020 Course will be held at Zirkonzahn.Klinik in Italy Links to pages with all details: https://events.zirkonzahn.com/page/PlasterEvent2020Part2Feb20/ https://www.zirkonzahn.com/en/events/events/the-natural-plane-part-2 "I started developing the PlaneSystem® approach because I was not fully satisfied of the results obtained by conventional methods, such as facebows or transferbows. What I was looking for was a more accurate alternative to […]

CDD Computerbased Dental Diagnostics Course Part 1

Syd Tyrol , Italia

Course Part 1 02-04 July 2020 Course will be held at Zirkonzahn.Klinik in Italy Links to pages with all details: https://events.zirkonzahn.com/page/PlasterEvent2020Part1Jul20/source/Part1 https://www.zirkonzahn.com/en/events/events/the-natural-plane   Regardless of the type of workflow that is adopted for the creation of dental restorations (digital vs traditional), the exact acquisition of patient data paves the way for a complete healing. In Computer Dental Diagnostics […]

Greater New York Dental Meeting 2020

New York New York, De forenede stater

2020 Meeting Dates: November 27th - December 2nd Exhibit Dates: November 29th - December 2nd


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In the Eventscalendar

we collect all dental events, just to help avoiding meetings to collide. Everybody can put in their events, and it is free and «selfcatering»: You just registrate, log in and fill in your information. After approval your event is on the web. Translation into English is available at the top and bottom of the page. This is the “google translation” and is therefore not always perfect, but a help to our organizers abroad.

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