+47 91312759
Vi leverer
- Konserverende tannpleie; adhesiver, restaureringsmaterialer og tilhørende hjelpemidler
- Endodonti
- Protetikk og avtrykksmaterialer
- Roterende instrumenter
- Diverse hjelpemidler
- Hygiene
- Tanntekniske materialer
- Mindre utstyr
Coltène is a global leader in the development, manufacture and sale of consumables and small-size equipment for dental treatment applications. The Dental Group offers a wide range of products, encompassing six segments – solutions for almost all dental treatments.
The complete endodontology programme includes root canal preparation with files and rinsing solutions, obturation and post systems. The next extensive range is centred entirely on restorative filling therapy. This particularly includes temporary and permanent filling materials, as well as adhesive systems and polymerisation lamps. Prosthetics represents a further main area. It includes a wide spectrum of condensation and addition cross-linking impression materials. The segments of treatment aids, infection control and rotating instruments round off the programme.
Her presenterer vi Coltene sine smittevernprodukter
De føres av ditt depot
FHI anbefaler at du bruker kofferdam der det er mulig.
Her er en brosjyre om vår FlexiDam / DentalDam
OBS: Kan ta litt tid å laste ned. Filen er tung…
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